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Adobe CFML Docs

Includes tag changes between CFML 5 and 10
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PHP Net Official Docs (English)

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Wordpress Developer Docs
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Ben Nadel Blog

I am the co-founder and lead engineer at InVision App, Inc, a company that is at the forefront of the design and user-experience (UX) revolution. I am also an Adobe Community Expert as well as an Adobe Certified Professional in Advanced ColdFusion. In my spare time, I [used to] co-manage the New York City ColdFusion User Group and blog extensively about all aspects of obsessively thorough web application development.

About This Blog

This blog, sometimes known as "The Kinky Solutions" blog, is my platform for experimentation and community interaction. With each post, I try to delve deeper into the ever-expanding universe of web development. I understand that growing my skills as a developer not only takes time and an unquenchable thirst for knowledge - it takes support; that's why my blog is just as much "Question" as it is "Answer." I find that the feedback provided by my readers is just as helpful, if not more so, than the content itself; as such, I do my best to promote high quality conversation from which everyone can learn.

While most the content on this site is inspired by the problems that I face every day as a web developer, I also do my best to freely answer any technical questions that people ask me. At the time of this writing, I have published over 150 blog entries based on the questions that my readers have submitted via my "Ask Ben" form.

I try to publish at least one blog entry every week day on some aspect of web application development including (but not limited to) the topics of ColdFusion, jQuery, JavaScript, SQL, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), XHTML, and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). If you want to be part of the conversation, check back often or subscribe to my RSS feed.

Ben does a great Blog that is always interesting and informative ... so please take the time to visit him at:

Complete List of Ben Nadel Blog Entries